I discovered another great thing to do in the city ! I was running in my favorite parc across the street from CiteU, and I saw a banner for “Cinéma au Clair de Lune” presented by the Mairie de Paris (City Services). I thought about “quand j’etais petite” (when I was little), I used to watch movies outdoors at Greely Park, Nashua NH, in the summer with my parents and the Daniels (my other family :)
This event was different than the ones that I had been to in the States that are mostly for children. There were mostly adults- couples, groups and lone elders.. Not a huge crowd, maybe 100ppl watching “Agnes Browne” on a blow up projector screen.. (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0160509/ ) The introducer said that normally they watch French films, but this was a great film about another state in the European Union, Ireland.
So- It got dark just before 22h (10pm) and I arrived just in time for the introduction. The Forum des Images has put on these productions for the past 8 years in Paris. Each movie is shown outdoors at a different spot in the city (http://clairdelune.forumdesimages.net/.) I was lucky enough to stumble onto this one on the right night! Overall- a great movie, had the crowd laughing and – not crying, but nearly so :) The movie ended at 23h30ish and everyone gave a hearty, appreciative round of applause for the ciné gratuit (free movie).