We’ve been eating lunch in a “cantine” or cafeteria in the bottom of Montparnasse Tower/ Les Galeries Lafayette that is for employees of the sassy Montparnasse business district.
When you walk in, you grab a tray and walk over to the long table displaying plates of all of the prepared food available for the day. It is a huge cafeteria and it is very crowded- so this helps you avoid walking around to each of the stations and possibly missing something.. Each day there are 4-5 different cuisines..
The Staples:
Always fresh personal-pan pizzas..
Bowls of salad- greens- or orange (shredded carrots are popular)..
Plates of fresh fruit.
Miles of dessert selections.. and everyone gets a dessert. My fave is the tiramisu (reminds me of State College).
While waiting in line for the cashier, you pick up silverware and a glass for water (there are carafes of water at the tables). There are also baskets full of free rolls! but after two, you must pay :) The food is amazingly priced and there are lots of options- but not anyone can eat here. All transactions are done through the meal cards of each employee. This is pretty typical of French cantines- as this is the same process at the one where I work..
I think that the French Dejuner (lunch) is like the American Dinner- except, for me at least, I get a food comma and want to go to sleep after :(